Book an Appointment at ALIGN In Clinic Bookings (All Services) - Chiropractic/Alignment based Bodywork - Wellness Room Services
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Functional Health & Wellness Consult Offerings
Whole-Self Health Consulting Services.
Take your healing to the next level. Dr. Gillian specializes in working alongside those who have not found answers to their health issues through conventional methods. She works 1 to 1 with those who have or have had challenging cases and are 1- still looking for answers 2 - want to take their healing to a deeper level.
If you are ready to peel back the layers that are keeping you from your best health and energy level we invite you to schedule a consult to see which direction is recommended for your individual needs.
We offer various Consultation Tracts related to your whole-self health including -
Balance Bit: A sneak peek into the supporting natural balancing remedies that you energetically resonate with.
Whole Body Energetic Balancing & Bio-E-Map to Match Technology: Individualized Bioenergetic Testing;
Food for You: Individualized Functional Nutrition Consultation & Individualized Reciiepe Guides;
Inner Insights: Energetic Emotional Balance Support
Private Breathwork Sessions: Stress Release and Reset
Movement For You: Individualized Functional Support Movement Protocols;
Total Whole-Self Health delves into all areas - looking at your total picture taking into account your dynamic self and that all aspects interrelate with your total health profile.
Body ALIGNMENT Offerings
We offer Whole-self Holistic Health & Wellness options to help support your body toward better balance. We focus on the following as appropriate: alignment, movement, support for releasing tethered emotions, and energetic/frequency balance.
Located at: 1119 4th St, 208, Sioux City
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Need Help? 7128986363